Sunday, November 29, 2009

Google Docs Analysis

Google Docs is a free, web bases word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and form application by Google. It allows it's users to create and edit a huge database of documents, in real time. This means that people all over the world can collaborate on a single document, bringing in tons of outside information.

At first, Google launched this application as two separate ones; Google Writely, and Google Spreadsheet. They combined these two application, and added a third one for presentations, to form Google Docs.

Google Docs unitizes cloud computing, which means that all this information is saved on the internet (cloud) and not on the users actual computer. This means that all of these things can be accessed from any internet connected computer in the world. There are many other document sharing cloud computing websites on the web, but the thing that makes Google Docs so amazing is that it is completely free.

Unlike other networking sites, Google Docs is not very social. It is an easy way to send, save and share documents on the internet, but not really to communicate.

Linkedin Analysis

Linkedin is a social networking site just like Myspace or Facebook, but it focuses more on the business side of things. Launched in early 2003, Linkedin has provided people with, or looking for jobs in the business world a way to connect with others. Last year alone, Linkedin made of 17 million dollars in revenue.

Linkedin provides many services for it's users, things like allowing them to build direct connections to other people or businesses. They also help users find, or offer new jobs to other users, as well as review new workers profiles and see if they are eligible. Building up connections is very important in the business world, and Linkedin is able to do that for you.

Linkedin mostly focuses on the business side of things, and doesn't really allow for anything else. The site was designed to connect people within the business world, and that's exactly what it does.

Facebook Analysis

It's not easy to become to the 2nd most visited website on the entire world wide wide, behind the powerhouse that is Google. But Facebook is able to hold that spot strong as of this writing. Founded in early 2004, Facebook has been growing ever since. With it's primary goal of connecting people, Facebook has grown into a website for both kids and adults alike.

Last year alone, Facebook made of 30 million dollars in revenue. Most of this is through ad campaigns that companies run through the site. Companies will pay top dollar to have their ads plastered all over the website so that the huge amounts of users are exposed to their product.

But the main use of Facebook for the average, everyday user is a social networking website. Facebook is able to easily connect you to your friends, family, co-workers and classmates in one, simple to use spot. People can add pictures of themselves for others to see, chat through the built in instant messenger, or use any of the other communication tools built right in. But along with social networking, Facebook has taken a very large presence in the gaming market. Offering many "free" to play games, with the premium content locked away for those who pay, game companies who make games for Facebook have been seeing huge traffic as well as revenue.

Facebook has seemed to have taken the social networking side of everyones lives. I can't think of another website that so many normal, everyday people use. Myspace has evolved from what Facebook is now, into more of a music site, which it was created for. It's a good way to get indie bands name out, and a way for people to listen to their music for free/

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday has to be Christmas Eve. Me and my family always go to Brooklyn to my Grandma's house. Christmas Eve is saved for my dad's side of the family, so my dad's brother comes from upstate with my aunt and my cousins. My grandma, mom and aunt make a huge Italian dinner, with tons of fish and pasta. Then we exchange Christmas gift, and watch whatever Christmas movie is on my Grandma's basic cable TV.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

First Quater Report Card

I did just about what I thought for the first quarter. I did a little better in some classes then I predicted, like getting an A is AP US, but overall the report card was pretty good. Thanksgiving should be fine.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Holiday Season

Every holiday season my family pretty much has a set routine. My mom, and my aunt who also lives in Nesconset, alternate with Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. This year Thanksgiving is at my house, and Christmas is at there house. My Grandparents who also live pretty close come over for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Christmas Eve, we always go into Brooklyn to see my dad's side of the family. That's the night when we make a huge Italian dinner.

My Favorite Vacation

My favorite vacation has to be when I went to the Atlantis in Paradise Island, Bahamas. I went in both 2007 and 2009, and had a blast both times. In 2007, my family went with another close family. We had such an amazing time we had to go back in 2009, but this time with another close family. All three families had such an amazing time. The weather was perfect, and we spent pretty much all our time in the water. There are a bunch of waterslides, and the nicest beach I have ever been too. I would love to go back again.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Grade Predictions

I think that for this quarter I'm going to get around a 3.6. I already know a handful of them, so I can kind of formulate an idea. I should be getting two A+, one A, two B+ and one B.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twitter Analysis

Twitter has become more and more prevalent in all of our lives very recently. Even if you are not a member or Twitter, or even visit the website at all, Twitter is still a known quantity to you. Bursting on to the we in 2006, Twitter allowed it users to answer the simple question of "What are you doing?". The website gives you 140 characters to answer this question, and once done it posts it up for the world to see. The main driving point for Twitter at it's inception was the celebrity use. Some early adopters, like Shaq and Aston Kutcher, accumulated millions of followers in a short period of time. People who where willing to take a small portion of their day to hear what their idols were doing. Once expanding to a more border audience, Twitter was able to get normal, everyday people on the website with their friends, telling each other what they were doing when they are not together. A major draw of Twitter was the ability to Tweet on the road, using a smartphone. People can download applications onto their iPhones, Blackberrys and other phones of that sort to Tweet from all over the world. This is the only known revenue stream for Twitter as of right now. But there is no doubting Twitters popularity. My 74 year old grandfather asked me the other day what a Twitter was. The word has become part of our everyday lives, hearing it on TV, radio, and just in general conversation. Twitter is one of the fastest ways to acquire news, mainly because it updates in literally real time. Someone can see something important happen, and post it to their Twitter before even any of the new stations can send out a van. It's very interesting to look at the website in that way. Many companies partake in the phenomenon, making it an easy and free way to advertise. With over 55 million hits every month, I can't imagine this website going anywhere.

My Favorite Things

A few of my favorite thing.

Sports Team:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Welcome to my BCA blog. I'm going to be posting tons about my interesting life here. Enjoy.